👋 Hi, Luiza Jarovsky here. Welcome to the 97th edition of this newsletter, read by 21,000+ email subscribers in 120+ countries. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.
A special thanks to MineOS, this week's sponsor. Check out their guide:
The world's first comprehensive law to regulate artificial intelligence, the EU AI Act, has been passed, making organizations ask how they should update their data governance programs to include AI governance. Even though the law will be gradually implemented with key deadlines, including a ban on high-risk AI systems by October 2024, companies must get ready and establish AI governance operations, understand the law, and upgrade their data governance programs. Get MineOS's breakdown of critical aspects and what needs to be done to stay compliant.
🎙️The risks behind OpenAI's Voice Engine
OpenAI has recently launched a small-scale preview of Voice Engine, its AI-based voice generator. Besides the commonly cited risks of voice deepfakes (such as election manipulation and all sorts of scams), there are additional problematic issues we must talk about:
➡️ First, OpenAI says it's building Voice Engine safely and mentions that:
➵ partners have agreed to their usage policies;
➵ informed consent from the original speaker is required;
➵ partners must disclose that voices are AI-generated;
➵ they've implemented watermarking and proactive usage monitoring.
➡️ There are a few problems with these self-regulatory measures:
➵ They rely on the good faith of users, who have to disclose their creation is AI-based and follow usage policies;
➵ Those safety measures require constant monitoring and enforcement, especially the usage policies;
➵ In most jurisdictions, OpenAI does not have a legal obligation to actively monitor and enforce these rules to make sure that users are compliant with usage policies;
➵ OpenAI is currently not enforcing its usage policies in the GPT Store, and various "forbidden" GPTs are available to the public right now, as I've documented here. Are they going to monitor Voice Engine effectively?
➡️ This is clearly a risky product, as OpenAI itself recognizes, and without stronger legal safeguards, obligations, and accountability, it will continue to be a risky product, as there are no incentives for companies to regulate themselves strictly.
➡️ In my opinion, given the current state of synthetic voice technology and the potential to harm people, this type of product is too risky to be released without proper regulatory oversight.
🕺 Tennessee enacts the ELVIS Act
➡️ Tennessee enacted the ELVIS Act (Ensuring Likeness Voice and Image Security Act), protecting artists from AI deepfakes. Comments and quote:
➡️ Tennessee is the first state to implement this type of protection, which is a win for artists. Hopefully, it will be replicated in more states.
➡️ The law establishes, for example, that: "Any person who knowingly uses or infringes upon the use of an individual's name, photograph, voice, or likeness in any medium, in any manner directed to any person other than such individual, for purposes of advertising products, merchandise, goods, or services, or for purposes of fundraising, solicitation of donations, purchases of products, merchandise, goods, or services, without such individual's prior consent, or, in the case of a minor, the prior consent of such minor's parent or legal guardian, or in the case of a deceased individual, the consent of the executor or administrator, heirs, or devisees of such deceased individual, is liable to a civil action."
➡️ The ELVIS Act takes effect on July 1st.
📈 CAIOs are on the rise
➡️ The US Office of Management and Budget released a memorandum that requires government agencies to hire Chief AI Officers (CAIOs). Among other tasks, they will be responsible for:
→ Coordinating Agency Use of AI;
→ Promoting AI Innovation;
→ Managing Risks from the Use of AI.
➡️ The same way Data Protection Officers (DPO) became a thing some years ago, it looks like CAIOs will soon be everywhere.
⚖️ Amazon will have to make its advertisement repository publicly available
➡️ Amazon lost a legal battle under the EU Digital Services Act (DSA) and will have to make its advertisement repository publicly available. Context and quote:
➡️ Amazon requested that its obligation to make an advertisement repository publicly available be suspended. This request was rejected.
➡️ The Court of Justice of the European Union said: "suspension would lead to a delay, potentially for several years, in the full achievement of the objectives of the Regulation on a Single Market for Digital Services and therefore potentially allow an online environment threatening fundamental rights to persist or develop, whereas the EU legislature considered that very large platforms play an important role in that environment. The interests defended by the EU legislature prevail, in the present case, over Amazon’s material interests, with the result that the balancing of interests weighs in favour of rejecting the request for suspension."
⚖️ Google agrees to delete browsing data collected in Incognito Mode
➡️ This is a historic privacy settlement in which Google agrees to delete browsing data collected in Incognito Mode and more. Quotes:
→ "Google with this Settlement agrees to rewrite its disclosures to inform users that “Google” collects private browsing data, including by explicitly disclosing that fact in its Privacy Policy and on the Incognito Splash Screen that automatically appears at the beginning of every Incognito session."
→ "While disclosure changes ensure transparency going forward, Plaintiffs also demanded and secured accountability and relief for Google’s past conduct. Upon approval of this Settlement, Google must delete and/or remediate billions of data records that reflect class members’ private browsing activities. This includes data Google collected during the class period from private browsing sessions."
→ "For the next five years, Google must also maintain a change to Incognito mode that enables Incognito users to block third-party cookies by default. This change is important given Google has used third-party cookies to track users in Incognito mode on non-Google websites. This requirement ensures additional privacy for Incognito users going forward, while limiting the amount of data Google collects from them."
→ "Google must delete the private browsing detection bits that Plaintiffs uncovered, which Google was (twice) sanctioned for concealing. As a result, Google will no longer track people’s choice to browse privately."
📋 “What Think Tanks are Thinking”
The European Parliament released a new briefing with reports from major think tanks and research institutes on AI:
“This note offers links to recent reports and commentaries from some major international think tanks and research institutes on artificial intelligence. More publications on the topic can be found in a previous edition of What think tanks are thinking.”
Excellent work from numerous think tanks, and a great opportunity to learn different perspectives - don't miss it.
📑 Paper on AI, philosophy, and human cognitive neuroscience
Luciano Floridi and Anna Nobre have recently published the paper "Anthropomorphising machines and computerising minds: the crosswiring of languages between Artificial Intelligence and Brain & Cognitive Sciences" and it's a fascinating essay on the intersection of AI, philosophy, and human cognitive neuroscience. Selected quotes:
→ "AI scientists speak of 'machine learning,' for example. The term was coined (or perhaps popularised, the debate seems open) by Arthur Samuel in 1959 to refer to 'the development and study of statistical algorithms that can learn from data and generalize to new data, and thus perform tasks without explicit instructions.' But this 'learning' does not mean what brain and cognitive scientists mean by the same term when referring to how humans or animals acquire new behaviours or mental contents, or modify existing ones, as a result of experiences in the environment." (page 2)
→ "The phenomenon of AI’s conceptual borrowing from BCS (brain and cognitive sciences) has been growing since the work of Alan Turing (Turing 1950), who influentially drew parallels to human intelligence and behaviour to conceptualise how machines might eventually mimic some aspects of biological cognition. But, perhaps the most problematic borrowing came with the generation of the label of the field itself: 'Artificial Intelligence.' John McCarthy was responsible for the brilliant, if misleading, idea. It was a marketing move, and, as he recounted, things could have gone differently" (page 5)
→ "What can be done to tackle this conceptual mess? Probably nothing in terms of linguistic reform. Languages, including technical ones, are like immense social currents: nobody can swim against them successfully, and they cannot be contained or directed by fiat. AI and BCS will keep using their terms, no matter how misleading they may be, how many resources they will make one waste, and how much damage they may cause in the wrong hands or contexts." (page 10)
Read the paper here.
🎤 This week! Live discussion on the EU AI Act
➡️ Join us live on April 4 (this Thursday) for a fascinating live session covering the EU AI Act and important challenges, opportunities, and practical insights.
➡️ Watch my previous live sessions and commentaries on AI-related topics on my YouTube Channel.
📚 AI Book Club: “The Worlds I See” by Fei-Fei Li
Our AI Book Club has 860+ members, and we're now reading: “The Worlds I See” by Fei-Fei Li. We'll meet in May to discuss it. Join the AI Book Club here.
🔎 Job opportunities
If you are looking for jobs in privacy or AI governance, check out our privacy job board and our AI job board, and subscribe to the weekly alerts.
🙏 Thank you for reading!
➡️ If you have comments on this week's edition, I'll be happy to hear them! Reply to this email, and I'll get back to you soon.
➡️ If you enjoy this newsletter, you can't miss my Bootcamps:
→ The 4-week Bootcamp on Emerging Challenges in Privacy Tech & AI starts next week. Register here.
→ Registration for the 4-week Bootcamp on the EU AI Act will open soon (9am or 6pm UK). If you want to join, reply to this email and let me know.
Have a great day!